IMTM, News|

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, IMTM Pvt. Ltd. has officially announced that International Maldives Travel Market (IMTM) 2020 will be held virtually on 16th and 17th of Novemberer 2020 (updated on 21st October 2020). IMTM 2020, is the first of its kind concept of online travel and trade fair in the Maldives.

IMTM as a travel and trade fair plays an important role to bring together international buyers (Tour Operators, Travel Agents, Destination Management Companies, and PR Companies) from around the world to liaise with the accommodation providers (Resorts, Hotels, Guesthouses, Liveaboards, Dive Centers, Local Tour Operators and Travel Agents) of Maldives. Thus, during these tough and challenging times, IMTM would like to offer the opportunity to conduct business in a virtual environment. This virtual exhibition is a part of IMTM’s broader plan to gradually reopen the travel, tourism, and hospitality sector to new markets.

This year, World Tourism Day celebrates the importance of tourism to the rural development of communities. In the Maldives, the tourism sector is the leading provider of employment and other countless opportunities. It is a major source of income to employment and one of the economic pillars of the country empowering the development of the community. IMTM believes that with the adverse impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the tourism industry, all the stakeholders must secure the development of the country through the recovery of the tourism industry.

There is no doubt that technology and travel is a perfect combination. It is important to understand that we have yet to overcome the obstacle of this pandemic and this joint force will be the starting solution of adapting to the current situation and transforming the events and tourism industry for the better. The local community of the travel and tourism domain must come together on a common platform to identify the challenges, find solutions, and explore the opportunities to overcome the pandemic, for better and sustainable growth of the Maldives tourism industry. Consequently, the objective of IMTM 2020 is to equip stakeholders with a tool to Reconnect, Revive, and Grow the business.

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