
Green Globe Gold member Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon exemplifies the confidence that arises from pursuing sustainability goals.

Each year of certification brings new challenges and planning that has been embraced by all team members and guests. Some of the key sustainability projects carried out in 2020 include improved management of water resources and the onsite organic farm, tree conservation programs and a World Clean Up Day initiative.

Water saving project

As expected, water is a precious resource in this island nation. Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon has water saving measures in place that make the best use of this natural resource with 150 water flow regulators installed in staff rooms resulting in a total water savings of 3,000 litres per day. The saying “Necessity is the mother of invention” is not lost at the property. Staff members have come up with the innovative idea of placing weighted reused drink bottles in toilet cisterns to reduce water capacity by 0.5 litres per flush. A total water savings of 540 litres per day has been made using this cost effective method. Wastewater is also treated and used to irrigate garden areas and the flourishing vegetable farm located onsite. One hundred percent Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) water is used for watering purposes. Currently 35,000 litres of effluent water is treated and reused in green areas.

Tree planting and Organic farm

Last year, abiding by the pledge of “I will be Green”, Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon organised a tree planting campaign where staff members completed the planting of forty coconut trees on the island. Vegetables and herbs are grown at the resort’s organic garden. Waste materials from other operational areas are put to use as much as possible such as empty plastic containers that are reused as plant pots.

In 2020, coral replanting was undertaken with the support of the resort’s Dive and Sail crew to assist with the preservation of reefs. Staff and guests also took part in beach cleanups to remove any litter and plastic garbage that threaten sea life by either washing up on sandy shores or that lie in the waters surrounding the idyllic resort. For World Clean Up Day 2020, the resort organised a Digital Clean Up Day where they made a significant contribution to recycling e-waste.

As you come in for a landing after a 25-minute seaplane journey at this Maldives beach resort, Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon is one of the best family friendly resorts in the country for underwater exploration, and offers diving 24 hours a day with more than 50 dive sites around the hotel. Highly recommended by Lonely Planet for its diving experiences, Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon is a quaint island paradise at the edge of the largest of the 22 natural atolls in the Maldives.  

Photo Credit: Ellaidhoo Maldives

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