
Maldies has hosted the 15th UNWTO Asia and the Pacific Executive Training Programme on Tourism Policy and Strategy. The programme is being held in hybrid format from 5th to 8th of Octorber 2021. 

The Executive Training Programme was inaugurated by Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organisation and Minister of Tourism, Dr Abdulla Mausoom. In addition, Harry Hwang, Deputy Director for Asia and the Pacific, UNWTO  and officials from the Ministry of Tourism also participated in the opening ceremony.

According to the UNWTO website, the UNWTO has convened the Asia and the Pacific Executive Training Programme on Tourism Policy and Strategy since 2006 and is being held annually. The Executive Training Programme is the only Programme of its kind in the region and is renowned for its stimulating content and thought provoking discussions. The theme and subject of the Programme change each year and has historically had far-reaching impacts both for the host destination and the attendees.

The delegates who attend the Executive Training Programme are high-level officials within their respective governments across Asia and the Pacific region. Through a series of lectures, discussions, debates, and presentations, the Training Programme provides a platform for sharing knowledge and experience to learn successful practices in policy and strategy formulation and implementation. In addition, the Executive Training Programme allows participants to improve their strategic tourism skills and, through a newfound network of regional contacts, continue to develop these skills going forward.

The theme for the 15th UNWTO Asia/Pacific Executive Training Programme is Domestic Tourism as the National and International Long-term Tourism Strategy, which is a pressing topic for destinations across the globe. The Programme is specifically designed to support tourism policymakers and managers. It aims to strengthen effective and responsive policies and strategies that must adapt to changing priorities and concerns at national and destination levels. The overall objectives of the training programme are to deepen participants’ understanding of the effects of the spread of COVID-19 on Domestic Tourism and how to foster Domestic Tourism with a focus on specific areas.

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