
Photo credits | Oaga Art Resort

Male’, Maldives, 1st June 2024 – Eid al-Adha, a vibrant festival marking the culmination of Hajj, calls for family, community, and delectable cuisine. This year, Oaga Art Resort offers a unique chance to immerse in the rich tapestry of Maldivian traditions while enjoying luxurious comfort. Guests can witness the day unfold with the soulful call of the ‘Sangu’ conch shell, setting the stage for a day filled with cultural experiences.

The journey begins with heartfelt Eid greetings from the Rahvehin, the island community, followed by a special Eid morning tea. Artistic free flow and dance lab sessions allow guests to experience the hypnotic rhythms of Boduberu drums or learn traditional dances.

Indulge in a delightful Eid lunch buffet at Kaa Kada, accompanied by live Boduberu beats and captivating Dhan’di Jehun dance performances. As evening approaches, guests can join a lively Maali parade and enjoy a high tea at Raa Baa before indulging in an Eid Special Dinner Buffet and an Eid Show featuring local talents.

Beyond the festivities, Oaga’s Eid al-Adha offer promises an unforgettable escape with luxurious accommodations and daily culinary adventures through their Greatest All-Inclusive Plan. Situated in North Malé Atoll, Oaga Art Resort offers an immersive experience curated by local and visiting artists and craftsmen, ensuring a memorable stay.

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